Levensbedreigende situatie? Bel altijd 112



Levensbedreigende situatie? Bel altijd 112

Contact with the GP post

Do you urgently need a doctor in the evening, at night or at the weekend?

Call 0900 203 0 203

Is there a life-threatening situation and every minute counts?

Call 112

The GP post is only intended for urgent questions for the GP; these are questions that cannot wait until your own doctor (or his replacement) is available again. The GP post only works by appointment. Always call first 0900 203 0 230.

You call and then?

You will be connected to one of our triagists. These are specially trained doctor’s assistants or nurses. The triagist will ask you about:

  • Name
  • Address
  • phone number
  • Date of birth

If your life is in danger, the triagist will immediately call an ambulance or a doctor. In all other cases, the triagist then asks you:

  • Name of your GP;
  • Medication use;
  • Temperature (if fever is suspected);
  • Your insurance details and policy number;
  • More details about your complaints and question.

The triagist will first assess your complaint. The assessment takes place on the basis of protocols and guidelines. These are scientifically substantiated.

You will receive one of the following advice

Based on your request for help, the triagist will decide on one of the following options:

Telephone advice
You will receive advice on what to do best.

Further investigation or treatment is needed. An appointment will be made with you. You will come to the GP post at the agreed time.

You need urgent help but cannot come by for medical reasons. Then the doctor will come to you.

Contact with the GP post.
Are you seriously injured or in danger of death? Then you will be helped directly at the Emergency Department of the Flevo Hospital.

Flevo Hospital
Are you currently receiving treatment at Flevo Hospital or have you recently received treatment? Then contact the Emergency Department: 036 – 86888 11 or visit the website: flevoziekenhuis.nl/afdelingen

Is there a life-threatening situation and every minute counts? Then the ambulance will come to you. You can of course also call the emergency number 112 yourself.

Do you urgently need a doctor in the evening, at night or at the weekend?

Call 0900 203 0 203

Is there a life-threatening situation and every minute counts?

Call 112